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Pepelinchen On Instagram

Pepelinchen: The Online Fabric and Sewing Shop with a Heart

Pepelinchen on Instagram

With over 31,000 followers, Pepelinchen's Instagram presence showcases the vibrant colors and textures of their fabrics. The shop also offers online consultations to help customers find the perfect fabrics for their projects.

Pepelinchen Inspiration

On Pepelinchen Inspiration, the shop's secondary Instagram account, customers can find styling inspiration and tutorials. With over 2700 followers, this account provides valuable tips and ideas for sewing enthusiasts.


Pepelinchen is more than just an online fabric store; it's a community. Through its social media presence, the shop provides inspiration, support, and a sense of connection to fellow sewing enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned seamstress or just starting out, Pepelinchen is a valuable resource for your sewing journey.
